Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A GHOST - by Litto Bezama

Confusion, Sadness, and Loneliness were some of the feelings that governed my life for a while. I used to live in a bubble and I didn’t let anyone in. My room became my fort, a dark fort I should add, nothing but darkness and cold wind flowing around as my only company. I used to sleep most of the time, trying to avoid thinking thoughts like, how alone I was or “is there someone that loves me?” I already knew the answers to these questions, but I couldn’t think of the right answers, my mind was filled with pity for myself; it was like a cloud was in my brain that didn’t let me think about anything else.
Some of these attacks made me feel a knot in my throat, that was choking me, which made my respiration harder.  There was a feeling in my chest of something that wanted to explode, or cry-out to the world “I’m here.”  It was taking over my mind, and all I could do was try to repress that feeling, try to calm down, and to loosen this knot that was making my eyes watery.
I look back at that time of my life, and sometimes I get scared that this ghost might hunt me again, the ghost of feeling abandoned and sad all the time; this ghost that whispered in my ear telling me that I had nobody, that I’m content to live in darkness, playing with my brain, attacking me in a way that I didn’t realize until I touched the wounds.
I suffered the attacks of this ghost called depression for a while, I used to feel alone, it’s like no other feeling, and it’s so hard to overcome. I made my friends feel like I didn’t want to be around them anymore, but that was just part of the confusion I had, I didn’t even know who I was.
This phenomenon called depression is so horrible, you feel like you’re trapped within yourself, like you are drowning, as if you are sinking in quicksand. The persons that fall on this monster’s claws basically become zombies, dead but alive. I remember that when I was in a depression, I wouldn’t do anything at all; it was like I had no will to live, even at the young age I was and still am.
I had forgotten how much I love to laugh, or how I like to have fun with my friends, but once God was in my life in the most important place, the depression faded little by little until I was free of darkness.
The Creator of all life, of every living thing helped me to overcome this depression, and realize the big mistake that I was creating by letting my friends go away from me. I realized that the ghost I talked about previously was in my mind the entire time, and that with the right guidance I was able to not fall into the power of this ghost once again.


  1. I have been through that and im glad that you got through it. Probably faster than i did because for me i decided to be that way. Those feelings im assuming where braught upon you. I know that once you get to that point where your stuck its really hard to get out.

  2. This is a very good piece of writing , but it is awful that you were feeling lonely. If i would of never read this i would had not known you were feeling this way. You are very outgoing and nice to had been feeling this way. I'm happy that you Overcame depression.

  3. I enjoyed reading your article. it had depth and it was thoughtfull. I found in enjoyable to read.

  4. You made your depression sound like an ongoing bad dream. I enjoyed this piece. I saw what you were describing in my mind as I was reading it. I'm happy to here that God pulled you through. Nice work Litto!!

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  6. Litto; I'm glad you overcame that dark chapter of your life, as they say there is always light at the end of the tunnel...

  7. This ghost is something that for many is managed if it is not vanquished. Short term depression serves a purpose. But chronic depression does not.

    "Dead but alive"...haunting and saddening image. There are so many of them...

  8. I really enjoyed reading this article because this article can relate to many individuals. Many people go through that depression stage at one point in their life and it's up to themselves to decide how they want to overcome that stage. As for you, I am glad you found a way to overcome your depression.

  9. Wow! This piece was quite disturbing and in a sense, creepy. While reading i felt nervous and fearful as if depression had preyed on you. I was also curious as to what would of cause you to be that engulfed in derpression? Because I so nervous in reading your work I wanted to compliment the your descriptive skills. It really was great!

  10. This was really thoughtful and touching it felt like for a moment i was in your shoes, well done =)

  11. I used to be able to relate to this at a point in my life. So I know exactly what you are talking about.

  12. Your friends should be really important to you. They are the people that usually help you get through these situation. But knowing you were free from depression is good. this article was well done Litto.
