Friday, November 13, 2009

Eulogy - For Rasheem Civil

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” Some people believe that there are more than two ways to fulfill happiness and sadness. However, I believe that there are only two ways for the expression of feelings. One is happiness and the other is sadness. For those who knew Rasheem, they may see him as just a person. Due to his short life span, the person who I grew to know as a young man dreamt of many successes. But his feelings, motivations, accomplishments, achievements, and himself as a person are what I greatly admire about him.

When I first met Rasheem it was on a basketball court. That was when I realized that he was a big fan of Ray Allen and so was I. From that day on I took a special interest in him because of the loneliness that we shared. As we grew together I learned many things about Rasheem, as much as he learned about me. He appeared to be very pleased and quiet at times and he seemed to be in a slight depressive state most of the times.

My most missed memory with Rasheem was senior prom of 2006. I still remember when he had asked me to have the last dance with him. I never saw him so peaceful. It was a night that we both wish could have never ended. During the times we spent together we shared some private secrets with each other. I learned that he had no family or relatives that he could depend on. This isolation reminds me of myself three years ago. He mentioned the struggle that he endured daily, the frustrations, the pain, the loneliness, the abandonment, and the courage that prevented him from failing.

He will be greatly missed and I will never forget him as long as I live. There are only a handful of people that walk into your life and change it forever. He had a great effect on me but due to his life being cut short he couldn’t become the man he is destined to be. The most valuable times that we spent together were when I learned about his experiences of sadness. It was the first time that I had met a young adult who actually explained his anger, his depression, and his ambition to learn.

Rasheem was abandoned by his parents at the age of 11. That was when he started to do odd jobs in the neighborhood and he slept in cars for survival. He worked two jobs while he was in high school. He still managed to stay in school on his own and that’s the passion that drove me into his life. With the help of a friend from one of the odd jobs that he had worked offered him a place to stay. This is one of the reasons why this poem reminds me of my best friend:

“God saw he was at his happiest and
Someone would not let that be
So he put his arms around him and whispered
Come with me
With tear filled eyes I watched him
Suffer and fade away. Although I
Love him deeply. I could not
Make him stay
A golden heart stopped beating
Hard working hands put to rest
God broke my heart to prove to me
He only takes the best!”

Rasheem knew God exists but because he struggled so much he had doubts of whether or not he should believe in him. In spite, of all this, he never stopped trying, and he achieved some of his greatest desires. He graduated from 8th grade, from 12th grade, and he was actively enrolled in college before he passed. My friend Rasheem, I will always admire and I will always respect his dignity and his passion for learning, and his motivation for life.


  1. Loved it!! Rasheem has inner strength and faith that God will carry him through the lowest times in his life despite his despair. Is happiness something we strive for and sadness something to overcome? Touched!!

  2. I am impressed to see that after all your struggles you did not give up easily.It's amazing to see that no matter what you did not give up and kept fighting. Not many people that go through the same things as you continue to fighting and it's amazing how you stayed focused on doing the right thing. I really enjoyed reading this piece, it's amazing.

  3. It's impressing how to chose to keep going in life and did not give up. Not many people would choose the path you did. The best part is that you did it without having the support from your family. Overall, this piece was very touching.

  4. Rasheem, you turned your pain into determination to succeed.You have achieved so much already and I'm certain that there are greater things to come.

  5. "The fear of death follows from the fear of life." I like you agree with this and not only that but I understand and relate to it. It's amazing how someone living out of a vehicle could still go about life in a defiant way and instead of being afraid of what the next day had to offer, you stood and challenged it. You will go far, if you made it out of that then incident then keep going. You can't stop now!

  6. It is really inspiring to hear that even after sleeping in the car and working 2 jobs during high school that Rasheem went on and graduated and enrolled in a college. Anyone else most likely would have given up school and would have rather earned money. This is the inspiration little kids need today.

  7. This is a very deep and almost realistic eulogy. Nice work Rasheem.

  8. Questioning is a good thing's necessary.

    Your ability to survive and overcome shines so brightly in this piece. It's inspirational. Life keeps moving forward and you are too. You will succeed.

  9. I loved reading this. It made me learn a lot about the people I attend class with. it was touching and inspring to read. It seems so real and it had depth of thought throughout the entire work...

  10. This left me speechless and it was touching. As i was reading it was like for a moment i was in your shoes and i felt the pain that you was feeling as your was writting this. Good Job

  11. Your eulogy inspires me because you maintained two jobs in highschool and graduated with a diploma and still managed to go to college. you really are a strong person. Not that many people can do what you have done.

  12. I love the begining of your piece where you say, "A man that lives life fully is prepared to died at anytime." When one can live life the best way they know how even with their mistakes and continue through their exsistence untainted is what I call a genuine soul and very rarely have I encountered people like yourself. Find that when I do Cross paths whit people like you it gives me a sense of inner strength and shows me just how strong I should strive to be.

  13. this is real deep i respect you for being strong enough to share this story and being strong enough to go through the things that you have that takes a real man

  14. When i had read this i almost started to cry. It's really emotional. I had learned alot about him. The things he did so survive was unbelieveable. I never know his life was like that. Rasheem did what he had to do. At less he didnt give up.

  15. your eulogy was written so perfectly. its really inspirational and touching. i love how you were able to put aside all of the negativity going on in your life and focus on the possitive. theres not many people that can do that.theres also not many people who would be willing to share their experiances. it took alot of courage and acceptance.i admire you for that.

  16. thanks everyone I didn't know my story made it to the internet.... I appreciate the concern and support it felt so long ago
