Thursday, November 12, 2009

We Need a Resolution - By Toniesha Benthall

“You can be anything you want if you set you mind to it!” This has been the golden line fed to youth for decades which is used to nurture the youth’s hopes and dreams. But what America doesn’t show or tell us is the trials and tribulations that we have to go through in order to grasp what is in reach. Yet we have to find out by enduring these tribulations and as a result of that, some people become discouraged.

Let me just state that anyone who’s never resided in poverty has no place to judge and has no room to point and laugh at such a horrific epidemic. And to anyone who is enduring poverty, it does not give them the permission to rest on their rear end and make excuses for why their life isn’t progressing. Blaming “the man’ has never gotten us poor people anywhere or anything, so what should that propel us to do? As we would say, “get up and go for ours.”

Obviously people do not wish or want to be poor but they do choose whether or not they will remain in that predicament or try to rise above that predicament. Society does however facto into these unfortunate mishaps as well, though they are not the total blame.

When it comes to laying employees off, providing communities with trifling protective services, and so on, society, government etc. are the culprits. They are the dominators and have the authority to shut people out of the so called “American dream.” Urban areas, or more blunt, the ghettos are treated as if they do not exist on the face of this Earth which is one of the number one reasons for high crime rates. Poverty means lack of service and care, from both partied (residents and government), and this is why so many communities are tormented.

Now it is up to us who are in these situations to take a stand and care for our community if no one else will. Unfortunately, not everyone has that type of mind set and will sit back and accept such atrocities and refuse to try and progress which make us just as wrong and guilty.

Welfare, food stamps, section eight, and all of these other appeasements for the less fortunate are why people inadvertently are lazy. The purpose of these programs were to help the poor get on their feet and take their life from there but now the lazy poor are getting a hold of these appeasements and are taking advantage. They have the mind set that if welfare, food stamps, etc. are what I need to get by and comes for free, then why should I waste my time finding legitimate work? That is a very understandable but a simple minded mind set.

This all boils down to everyone coming together to get school attendance in outstanding numbers, more people employed, and less babies being born into poverty. Everyone from poor people, to the government, and even wealthy people should come together. It’ll take all of us to bring this poverty epidemic to a halt because no one should have to endure such a way of living. Instead of America spending millions and billions of dollars to go to war and destroy another country for our own personal gain, we should spend that money to renovate this country which is engulfed in its own destruction. Prominent leaders such as Oprah, Don Cheadle, and others should start with assembling schools in this country first. And instead of us poor people wasting the hard earned or little money that we do have on the lottery, we should put that money into a bank account and make life for the future offspring somewhat finer.


  1. You are so right, people should take part in changing this country first rather than destroying other countries. But like you said poverty is our personal fualt, as well as the government because poor people rely so much on welfare that chose not to look for jobs. If we were all put part in poverty this country would be so much better. Poverty has increased and is a shame how many newborn babies are being brought to this cruel world. At the rate that poverty is looking at in a few years there won't be much left of this country. Many people that don't live in the United States believe that is the wealthiest country on Earth but the truth is that we are as poor as another country.

  2. I agree with you, poverty is our own fault. This is because we like to sit back and not do anything about it. Many individuals believe that the government will help them at all times and therefore they tend to get lazy and choose not to look for jobs. People should step up and take a part in changing the country, if not for themselves at least for their children and others.

  3. Just open up a magazine and you will see a celebrity carrying an exotic baby, it's a trend.Don't get me wrong,to give a child the opportunity to have a home,it's a beautiful thing.But how about adopting in the United States?There are so many kids in our country that can also use a loving home...We face so many domestic issues and they continue to be ignored while they should be addressed inmediately....

  4. Only a person that has experienced poverty can speak with such insight. You make a lot of since.Now if you, me, and others that believe that these steps will make a difference can spread the word, maybe a solution will come. It's definately going to take a joint effort for change. Loved it Toniesha!!

  5. That is true, if someone is getting some kind of earning free without working they become lazy and don't want to try to get a job to earn more money. We should first help ourselves and rebulid this counrty before going and helping or destroying different countries.

  6. you are absoulutely right, if more people looked at the poverty in the same perspective we may go somewhere. the problem is there arent to enuf people trying to stop poverty from growing. there are more greedy people than poor people. there are even greedy poor people.

  7. This pieces screams Capricorn...the one who climbs the mountain regardless of the obstacles and finds time and ways to smile along the way and helps others stay the course.

    It's direct, honest and necessary....

    1. Randomly I typed my full name in the Google search engine (boredom) and came across this blog...I cringe and laugh a bit at the amateurism in this piece like my word usage...the blog has matter but lacks manner...still, I agree with the message...the other former classmates wrote some great pieces as well...I want to write this over though, just as an exercise!...Toniesha Benthall

  8. You hit the nail right on the head with this one. It's unfortunate that this is the mind set of alot of people in poverty.

  9. you are absolutely right poverty is blamed upon ourselves we are to blame and people have that choice it is not given to us we make our own path in life and we choose wether we fall or walk all on our own. People are not born with poverty people are mislead with this wrong fact people hafe to work for what they get.

  10. I think that this was a diferent way to put what poverty is about and i like the way that you talked to the people that like to judge even when they don't know anything about the subject
